Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Our departure date is scheduled 306 days from today, and it is fast approaching. With all of the fundraisers that we hope to do between now and departure there are a number of things that we do not want to overlook, one of them being passports. If you do not have a passport now is the time to get working on obtaining one. Keep in mind that once the paperwork is completed it still takes 6-8 weeks for you to receive your actual passport. Do not postpone action on getting your passport until spring- it may be too late by then.

Also, if you already do have a passport please make sure that it is current. If your passport has expired you will need to take action to make sure it is renewed in time for the summer.

Paperwork can be printed off of the internet or picked up at the post office. Passport photos can be taken at pharmacies, post offices, and several other locations. Here is a useful website for those of you who need to get a passport or renew an expired one:

Also, if you would like specific entry information about the countries we will be visiting (England, France, Spain) please go to the following website and click on one of the countries:

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