Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Meeting Postponed 2 weeks

I am sorry, but we need to postpone the parent/traveler meeting until December 20th. It will still be 6:30 pm in room 135. I have some responsabilities this Thursday that I cannot get out of, so we will have to move the date forward.

There will be a flyer sent out this Friday detailing information on the Rummage Sale. The rest of the items will be discussed in the meeting on the 20th. Thanks you for your patience.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Rummage Sale/Holiday Bazaar

Hopefully you have been collecting "Nick-knacks and bricker-bracks" to sell at your booth in our Rummage Sale/Holiday Bazaar which will take place on DECEMBER 15 in the Community Lecture Room from 9-12 in the morning. You can create a craft or gather garage sale items from around the home (or from neighbors who wish to contribute) and price them for sale. Each item you sell will go directly towards your trip, so plan on using this day to get rid of unwanted clutter and in the process turn it into cash! More details in the Parent Meeting this Thursday.

For an idea of upcoming fundraisers just look at the early blogs--they have the projected months listed.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Parent Meeting

There is a parent meeting this Thursday night at 6:30 pm in Room 135 (Mr. Hurst's Room. If you did not attend the Spring meeting, and/or you would like more information on upcoming fundraising activities, passports, etc. you should be here. Please invite parents, as it will help them to understand more about the trip. We have some new onformation to share for all attending, as well as rooming lists, telephone charts, etc. to go over.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Pizza, Cookies, and Pies--Oh My!

Stop by room 135 on Monday, November 12 to pick up the next fundraising booklet. We are working with TMK Fundraising to sell pizza, cookie dough, and other delicous holiday foods. This has been a great money maker in the past, so stop by and pick up your packet soon. The sale begins on the 12th and ends on the 26th of November. ALL ORDERS MUST BE TURNED IN BY NOVEMBER 28, 8:00 AM. The products will be delivered to us by the 19th of December for distribution. See Mr. Hurst for more details.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


We are in the final stretch for Nelson's Chicken. If you have not picked up your tickets to sell, IT IS NOT TOO LATE! SEE MR. HURST ASAP!! You need to sell these as a way to help lower your cost, but WE NEED to sell enough as a group otherwise we won't have enough orders to do the event. Each person should sell at least 10 of the 15 tickets. This should not be hard, my family bought 3 just for one meal (and I have small kids). Most people will buy 2-4 tickets, and you can sell to 3-4 families in your neighborhood and meet your quota. I plan on selling 40 tickets myself this weekend. If anyone can beat me in tickets sold, I will buy you lunch. Nelson's is not hard to sell, you just have to set aside some time and do it. MONEY and UNSOLD TICKETS due to Mr. Hurst MONDAY, OCTOBER 15-- BEFORE SCHOOL. Do not turn it in after that, otherwise we will be charged a late fee and you will make less of a profit. Also, you need to sign up for time slots on Saturday, October 20th in order to get a share of the "point of sales" purchases that day. See Mr. Hurst for this as well. Be an active fundraiser, it helps you pay for your trip, and it is good character building and resume building.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Nelson's Chicken Tickets for Sale

Our next fundraiser has started! Please see Mr. Hurst to get your Nelson's Chicken tickets. Each ticket costs $5.50, and money should be collected as you sell them. The buyers then pick up the chicken between 11:00 and 2:00 on Saturday, October 20th at the Junior High parking lot. You do not need to be present that day to sell advance tickets. You will be credited for each ticket you sell. Those who work the station that day will get a portion of the point of sales chickens being sold that day in addition to what they pre-sold. This is a great way to reduce your trip fee--everyone loves Nelson's, just get out there and sell tickets! To sign up for duty times on October 20th, see Mr. Hurst or Mr. Haffner. Parents--we have a lot of fundraising coming up, and we need your help to pull it off. If we all share the load, we can get a lot more done, and have an even more successful turn it in future projects.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Spanish Club T-Shirts

All members of Spanish Club are invited to purchase a club t-shirt from Mr. Hurst by Sept. 19. The shirt also comes with a membership pin. Those choosing to travel to Europe this summer and wish to be part of the fundraiser MUST purchase one. Please ask if you have questions.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Powderpuff Football

It's time to get out your cleats and strap on your flags. Powderpuff football returns to Concord. The Spanish Club is hosting this unforgettable event in an effort to get everyone hyped for homecoming. There will be rock climbing by the student council, and consessions will be served (proceeds will go to towards the 2008 Europe trip, so sign up to help if you want to share in the fundraising).

Pancakepalooza T-shirt Sales Begin!!

Be sure and pick up your order form for the Pancakepalooza t-shirts. Each shirt you sell earns you $5 towards your trip. See Mr. Hurst for order forms.

You must turn in the orders along with the money by September 19. Then plan to come early on the 5th of October to help make the pancakes. More information to follow.


Our departure date is scheduled 306 days from today, and it is fast approaching. With all of the fundraisers that we hope to do between now and departure there are a number of things that we do not want to overlook, one of them being passports. If you do not have a passport now is the time to get working on obtaining one. Keep in mind that once the paperwork is completed it still takes 6-8 weeks for you to receive your actual passport. Do not postpone action on getting your passport until spring- it may be too late by then.

Also, if you already do have a passport please make sure that it is current. If your passport has expired you will need to take action to make sure it is renewed in time for the summer.

Paperwork can be printed off of the internet or picked up at the post office. Passport photos can be taken at pharmacies, post offices, and several other locations. Here is a useful website for those of you who need to get a passport or renew an expired one:

Also, if you would like specific entry information about the countries we will be visiting (England, France, Spain) please go to the following website and click on one of the countries:

Monday, September 10, 2007

Upcoming Fundraisers

Hello Everyone,
Just wanted to give you an update. We have been in a bit of a stand still the past few weeks as we wait for things to finalize with fundraisers. I had wanted to give you all the dates, but we are still waiting for paperwork to go from the companies to use, through the school calendar, etc.
Here is what we do have lined up:
September 12-Pick up order forms for Pancakepalooza. Each football homecoming shirt you sell is worth $5.
September 26-Pick up Pre-sale tickets for Nelson's Chicken
October 4-Powderpuff Football (hosted by Spanish Club). The event is free, but we will be selling concessions. All those who sell concessions that night will split the take. About 1 1/2 hours of work.
October 5-Pancakepalooza (from 6:30-7:30 Friday morning) Making pancakes in the Cafeteria for those who bought shirts.
October 20-Nelson Chicken Fundraiser from 8am-2pm at the Junior High parking lot.
Many of these event require some added support from the parents. Please let me know if you can help, I need a lot of help to get these going.
Later this year....
November--Cookie Dough Sale
December--Rummage Sale/Holiday Bazaar
January--Dodgeball Tourney
February--Valentine Candy Sales
March--Donkey Basketball
April/May--We are searching for an idea for these months.
There will be a parent meeting in September for those who missed the meeting last Spring, or for those with more questions. Thanks!!
-Cory Hurst

Monday, August 27, 2007


Pictures from the July 21 Car Wash: Cap'n Hurst

Thanks to all those who participated!

$400 due on August 31

Welcome back to school!
Remember that $400 is due to your EF account on August 31, this coming Friday. If payment is not made by Aug 31 a late fee will be applied to the trip's balance. Please see/call Mr. Hurst or Mr. Haffner if you have any concerns about the payment. We are currently planning our next fundraiser (Nelson's Chicken) and will inform you of dates, tickets, and other information as soon as we have it.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Pirates of the Concordbean

The Concord Spanish Club (Europe trip 2008) is holding their first summer fundraiser on July 21. Mr. Hurst has already emailed you about picking up pre-sale tickets for the car wash. If you did not catch him on Friday, June 29 in his classroom, you may still pick up the tickets in the main office of the high school. Mr. Haffner will be at the school Wednesdays and Fridays for cross country practice, so you may be able to catch him on those days if you have any questions. Otherwise, a phone call or an email will get the job done too.

In an effort to be better organized and get info out to you faster, Mr. Hurst and Mr. Haffner will be periodically updating this blog in regards to fundraisers, announcements, deadlines, news, and just about anything else that may come up. We will also post information and pictures to highlight specific stops we will be making next year on our 2-week tour. Please note that in addition to email and phone calls, you may also make comments on this website for the purpose of communicating questions or concerns.

Those students who have not yet picked up their car wash tickets need to so ASAP. This fundraiser is successful based on the number of pre-sale tickets. We cannot count on 1,000 cars to stop by the day of the car wash. Tickets are $7.00 for a deluxe wash, and the car wash will be held at the Elkhart Honda Kia on Bypass Road in Elkhart on July 21 from 11 am to 3 pm. We will meet in Mr. Hurst's room the morning of at 9 am to make some signs and other preparations.