Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Meeting Postponed 2 weeks

I am sorry, but we need to postpone the parent/traveler meeting until December 20th. It will still be 6:30 pm in room 135. I have some responsabilities this Thursday that I cannot get out of, so we will have to move the date forward.

There will be a flyer sent out this Friday detailing information on the Rummage Sale. The rest of the items will be discussed in the meeting on the 20th. Thanks you for your patience.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Rummage Sale/Holiday Bazaar

Hopefully you have been collecting "Nick-knacks and bricker-bracks" to sell at your booth in our Rummage Sale/Holiday Bazaar which will take place on DECEMBER 15 in the Community Lecture Room from 9-12 in the morning. You can create a craft or gather garage sale items from around the home (or from neighbors who wish to contribute) and price them for sale. Each item you sell will go directly towards your trip, so plan on using this day to get rid of unwanted clutter and in the process turn it into cash! More details in the Parent Meeting this Thursday.

For an idea of upcoming fundraisers just look at the early blogs--they have the projected months listed.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Parent Meeting

There is a parent meeting this Thursday night at 6:30 pm in Room 135 (Mr. Hurst's Room. If you did not attend the Spring meeting, and/or you would like more information on upcoming fundraising activities, passports, etc. you should be here. Please invite parents, as it will help them to understand more about the trip. We have some new onformation to share for all attending, as well as rooming lists, telephone charts, etc. to go over.