Wednesday, October 10, 2007


We are in the final stretch for Nelson's Chicken. If you have not picked up your tickets to sell, IT IS NOT TOO LATE! SEE MR. HURST ASAP!! You need to sell these as a way to help lower your cost, but WE NEED to sell enough as a group otherwise we won't have enough orders to do the event. Each person should sell at least 10 of the 15 tickets. This should not be hard, my family bought 3 just for one meal (and I have small kids). Most people will buy 2-4 tickets, and you can sell to 3-4 families in your neighborhood and meet your quota. I plan on selling 40 tickets myself this weekend. If anyone can beat me in tickets sold, I will buy you lunch. Nelson's is not hard to sell, you just have to set aside some time and do it. MONEY and UNSOLD TICKETS due to Mr. Hurst MONDAY, OCTOBER 15-- BEFORE SCHOOL. Do not turn it in after that, otherwise we will be charged a late fee and you will make less of a profit. Also, you need to sign up for time slots on Saturday, October 20th in order to get a share of the "point of sales" purchases that day. See Mr. Hurst for this as well. Be an active fundraiser, it helps you pay for your trip, and it is good character building and resume building.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Nelson's Chicken Tickets for Sale

Our next fundraiser has started! Please see Mr. Hurst to get your Nelson's Chicken tickets. Each ticket costs $5.50, and money should be collected as you sell them. The buyers then pick up the chicken between 11:00 and 2:00 on Saturday, October 20th at the Junior High parking lot. You do not need to be present that day to sell advance tickets. You will be credited for each ticket you sell. Those who work the station that day will get a portion of the point of sales chickens being sold that day in addition to what they pre-sold. This is a great way to reduce your trip fee--everyone loves Nelson's, just get out there and sell tickets! To sign up for duty times on October 20th, see Mr. Hurst or Mr. Haffner. Parents--we have a lot of fundraising coming up, and we need your help to pull it off. If we all share the load, we can get a lot more done, and have an even more successful turn it in future projects.